
Best Research Paper Publishing Sites



Academic and research sector has always been a part of human society. The curiosity to know things on its own and their impacts on different species and bodies  Scholars, researchers and other academic individuals work on topics that directly indirectly impacts human, earth and its surroundings. To make everyone aware of the research findings they search for a good journal to publish research paper

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Doing research and writing a research paper or article is just the beginning for ones research career. To enhance the readership, and reach of the research work one has to find the best journal to publish research paper. Here in this blog; one will know about the best research paper publishing sites for their present as well as upcoming research work publications.

Before going further, first understand the importance of good publication sites for the research paper article publications. to find journals as per research areas; one can rely on the ABCD Index. It is a journal indexing site, which provides a list of journals in almost all fields of research. Finding a good indexing journal at abcd index is very user friendly. One can also submit their paper to get published in an international journal listed at ABCD Index.

 Read the following points to know how to find a good journal for paper publication:

Number of citations - Citation indicates the quality and reliability of a research paper. Journal having good no of citation shows it serves for the good quality papers and helps researcher in gaining their 

Impact factor - Impact factor of a journal indicates the average number of citations over the year.  For some journals if the impact factor is in double digit it is considered good but for another single digit impact factor is more than enough. Mostly if a journal has an impact factor of more than 3 it comes under a good category. 

Previous published work - One should look over the previously published work of the journal they are considering for publication. This will help them in determining the journal domain more specifically.

Above points will surely help one in determining the good journal for publication. One can also find other sources to find journals for research publication.

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